Saturday, May 15, 2010

Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling is a very effective tool to use in the classroom, it is a great way to engage and inspire the students. The examples I looked at were something I think that I would love to be a part of if I was still at school, there were some very clever things created.

Digital Storytelling would be a great tool for a group project. Students could collaborate their ideas and produce a product which is of value to the real world. This would be an ideal tool to use to convey a particular message to a particular audience. This fits in with the Kearsley and Shneiderman's Learning engagement theory.

I would like to use digital storytelling sometime in my EPL. I think it could be used with most age groups, obviously the younger students would require guidance, but they would still really enjoy creating something, and I'm sure I would be surprised of the quality product they could create. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE DIGITAL NATIVE!!!

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