Friday, April 2, 2010

Little bit of reflection ...

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It's probably quite obvious (from my previous posts) that, prior to enrolling in Uni, I didn't have any interest in computers, or talk computers to anyone really. I avoided them like the plague because I thought it was 'all too hard'. If only I'd realised back then that it really wasn't very hard (with proper guidance), I'm sure I would have been more inclined to experiment.

Who would have thought that 4 weeks into the course, I would have established my own google reader account, set up RSS feeds, set up my own blog, created a wiki and a voki and be actually enjoying myself ...... NOT ME!

I'm not getting too excited here, because I know there is still a long way to go. I am gaining confidence in my 'ability to cope with the 21st century classroom', which initially was a very daunting concept and a major factor I considered when enrolling in the GDLT program this year.

I believe this course is providing me with my 'tool kit' for effective pedagogy. There is so much that I have learned in such a short time, and still a lot to go. There was a podcast in our course material where Richard Smith was talking about the 'Theory Practice Gap". I think this course doesn't have that gap ... all subjects appear to contain information which will be used next year, or when a teaching position become available, which makes all this hard study and reading seem so much more worthwhile.

I am enjoying my e.learning journey so far, and I'm looking forward to what's still to come!

1 comment:

  1. Sam, Your posts have inspired me to become more computer literate. It is amazing to see how with a small amount of guidance a whole new world of technology can be opened up to someone like me - a simple housewife. I will be continuing to follow your blog for inspiration and advice. Keep up the good work.
