Tuesday, March 23, 2010

RSS Feeds

I hadn't even heard of RSS (Really Simple Syndication)feeds until I was at the Uni residential school in February in Rockhampton. I admit I had seen the icon on websites, but had no idea (and honestly no desire to know) what it was used for.

In our courseware, Aldred, S (2010) provided a link to the following you tube video, which explained everything in a nutshell ....

Now that I am educated in their use, I think they are a great tool. They ultimately save the user heaps of time, considering the information now comes to you, not the opposite. I think it is fantastic that you can simply copy the feed url and pick and choose what you want to be updated on from a wide range of websites.

RSS feeds would be invaluable in the classroom. They allow the students to select the information they require for their current studies, keeping them right up to date. One purpose of using ICT's is to to save the user time ... these definitely do. They offer the chance to enhance student-centred learning which we are trying to move towards in all 21st century classrooms.


Aldred, S., (2010) Retrieved from: CQ University's e courses, EDED20491 ICT's for learning Design


  1. Hi Sam, I was like you about RSS feeds. I saw the icon, but I had no idea what it really was for. Now I know what all this "follow me" hoo-ha is all about! The U-tube video couldn't have put it any simpler for me. I cherish those videos! And, as you said, it would save time by having info come straight to you. Students' could follow each others' blogs or news casts (as part of an assignment). A rather handy tool. Regards,Natalie

  2. Thanks for commenting Natalie ... glad to see there are others out there at around the same level as me when it comes to technology.
    Regards, Sam
